Inspiration for winter lockdown walks

Walking is a great, simple way to improve both your physical and mental health during lockdown. Some of the benefits include: stress relief, a stronger immune system, better sleep, clearer thinking, muscle toning, weight management and mood stabilisation.

A wonderful article in the Guardian lists several ways to “give purpose to your daily walk”

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Katrine Cakuls
Don't ignore your ankle sprain!

Twisting over on your ankle, or spraining your ankle is a common problem that many of you may have experienced at some point in your lives. What most people don’t think about is that an ankle sprain when not properly treated, can result in ongoing difficulties throughout the whole body.

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Katrine Cakuls

HeartMath is a scientific research institute that, through their discoveries about the heart-brain connection, has developed tools and techniques to optimise health and wellbeing.

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Katrine Cakuls